Call for Proposals.
This Workshop is different from other conferences in that the focus is on regional collaborations: proposals for research collaborations and reports of collaborations.
Target participants are invited to take part in the Workshop in the following ways (All proposals, abstracts, papers and presentations must be in English):
Track 1: Propose a project for regional research collaboration.
Track 2: Report an ongoing or completed regional research collaboration, and hold working group meetings with collaborators.
Track 3: For graduate students: Present research proposal, or ongoing or completed research project.
Important dates.
Deadline for submitting abstract: 22-Aug-2016.
Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance: 8-Sep-2016.
Deadline for submitting full proposal/report: 20-Sep-2016.
Please submit proposals for research collaborations via email to
Submission title should your preferred track. e.g., [Track 1] your topic
Authors may submit multiple proposals.
Tracks and Topics.
Track 1: Project Proposals for Regional Collaboration.
Proposals on the following five themes are especially encouraged (though other areas are welcome):
eLearning & open access
Digital libraries & heritage informatics
Reading & information literacy
Knowledge management / organization
Web 2.0 in information services
Scholarly communication, etc.
In the proposal, please specify:
Title of project
Name of author/proposer
Institutional affiliation
Existing collaborators
Number of collaborators sought
Abstract (max 500 words)
Project description (1-5 pages, or 500-2,500 words). This should outline how the collaborators are expected to contribute to the project
After the proposals have been accepted and posted on the Workshop collaboration site, LIS researchers and professionals will be invited to view the proposals and indicate their interest to collaborate in one or more research projects.
Track 2: Reports on Existing Collaborative Projects.
Please submit an abstract of an ongoing or completed research collaboration. A short report will be required for abstracts that are accepted.
The length of your short report should be up to 6 pages (up to 3,000 words).
Track 3: PhD Symposium - Call for Papers.
Graduate students are invited to submit a short paper of 4-6 pages (2,000-3,000) words describing their research proposal, or ongoing or completed research projects.